Saturday, June 30, 2012


The temple lies in central Masaka, from me being there for four months I only know of one Indian family. They moved from Jinja to Masaka and what a change that must have been. There is a temple, old and almost in ruins.
The temple no longer acts as a gathering for spiritual meaning but as a business meeting center. From talking the family in Masaka, it was said that there were tons of Indians at least 20,000+ in 1972 they being Indians and Pakistanis were forced out of the country,  during the Idi Amin time.

A passage found in a news article on the BBC's website, titled 1972: Asians given 90 days to leave Uganda "General Amin has called the Asians "bloodsuckers" and accused them of milking the economy of its wealth".

Imli growing.

An idol thrown to the ground.

In fact on the walls of the temple  on the outside exterior some one has  drawn a vulgar representation of a penis on the walls. It's disgusting to see a holy site being trashed up.

Saturday, June 23, 2012


"The eyes of the soul of the multitudes are unable to endure the vision of the divine"

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A day in school

At Birimya Primary School, Nyendo UG.

Christa peeked outside of her mothers room to see whom the strangers were. She stared with her big eyes, she never smiled nor cried, but just stared. Once the mother saw me snapping pictures, she smiled and gave me a gift.

The background pictures framed upon the wall were done by the children. The children use local resources for art classes.

Cate, the Headmistress gives us a tour. She stands in the reading room.

In class with the children, who are very excited by the visitors.

A young girl who definitely enjoys art class...

A young boy, by the name of Charles gave us a lot of company while we were visiting Cate and her school.
He also learnt how to do the peace sign .

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Man vs Nature

In Masaka (UG)

                                           Close to Lake Nabugabo (UG)

"A woodland in full color is awesome as a forest fire, in magnitude at least, but a single tree is like a dancing tongue of flame to warm the heart".Hal Borland

Fat Boy

Fat boy- Athi River, Kenya)