Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Saturday, September 15, 2012


Fascination with water drops

Zoomed in on a drop. 

I don't have a tripod, so i held the camera in one hand, and set it to continuous shots as the water poured onto my other hand from the tap.

The background was my kamese (Indian top) The water poured  from a jug

The background for this was a red shirt. 

This shot was fun. I had put a yellow plastic bag under a glass and poured water downwards.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

An experiment

The water is zoomed in from a shower head. The green background in a regular bucket filled with water. I must have taken over 30 shots, just to get this one.

The background is a green bucket filled with water. The water bubbling out is out from a  shower head.

Most of the time when i'm experimenting, is often the cause of not having electricity at home. In Masaka, the electricity goes off a lot, so it gives me ample time to do stuff unless I have no battery life on my camera and laptop (oops).

The background is once again my famous green bucket. The water is from a shower head. I have zoomed in from the regular 18-55mm.

I changed the color of the background via my computer program.